Stablished in 1987, Nekuniru has been active in the field of HV and MV equipment used in Transmission line, distribution line and power plants, be it as a part of the national grid or belonging to heavy industries.
We have always worked closely with our current and potential clients to offer them not just equipment, but solutions matching the challenges that they face, be it importing what they need in the most time and cost-effective way, providing them with possibility of inspections for mounting, commissioning, after sales assistance and engineering solutions. Also, in the “articles” section of our website we endeavor to find and translate latest news and noteworthy developments in the technical world weekly, providing readers with a chance to stay tuned with current technical commercial advances in the international environment. Being a trade company with more than thirteen principles represented exclusively for their sales and promotion activities in our home marker, a major part of our services are focused on assisting these companies to have a chance in competitively address our home market demands. By bringing these world class players we aim to introduce much needed diversity into the market, empowering buyers with choices and a route to benefit our home market with current world-class technical equipment.

About Us
Quality, the price for a stable network
Our countries electrical grid forms one of the oldest and most essential parts of Its infrastructure. Large steel works, oil rigs, petrochemical plants, natural gas handling plants, automobile industry, water desalination plants, food industry and in fact the whole of the heavy and manufacturing industries and on the other hand all hospitals, Homes, schools, hotels and the whole of the non-manufacturing part of the industry and welfare of the Nation is thriving and benefiting from the electrical power generation, transmission and distribution grid. Quality is the singularly most important guarantee of the stability of this grid and in effect is the main pillars which our economy, industry and welfare rests on. From it's very early days nearly 36 years ago as a department in a mother trade company and particularly since 30 years ago which was founded under its current name “Nekuniru” by late Mr Alireza Nikraz, It has stayed true and has always vigorously followed on its main overarching strategy of “increasing Iran’s power grid’s stability by providing it with best, world-class equipment available worldwide”. In light of this strategy we always strive to provide the best quality and latest technology available to be used in Iran’s national electrical grid. Under this pledge, Nekuniru partnered with the top level, world class players in this field from Canada to countries in Western Europe with average of more than 70 years of experience each in their Field of manufacturing. Resulting from this approach, throughout the past three and a half decade we claim to have been doing our bit to make electrical energy accessible, safe and readily available for all manners of consumers in our county.




Contact Form
Dear users, contact us through the form below
Address: NekuNiru Eng. Co. Mother Square, Mirdamad Ave., Tehran- Iran
Call phones:
Headquarters: (+9821) 22222234, 22220061
Fax: (+9821) 22222233